
Precision Autowerk


Precision AutoWerk成立於1969年(原名Bryce Sommerville汽車碰撞維修中心),多年來致力於提供優質的客戶服務和一流的汽車鈑金修復服務,更重要是我們幫助車主恢復原廠質量,這對車主來說是非常重要的安全保障。


我們的維修中心設施先進,是新西蘭最頂級的修車行,擁有舒適的等候區,上等咖啡及受過專業訓練的前台服務人員。如果你的車不小心被撞了,正焦慮時,只要來到店裏或打電話給我們,我們會幫助你舒緩情緒,並輕鬆帶你進入修復流程。Precision AutoWerk的宗旨是在新西蘭的豪華車和歐洲車維修行業樹立全新的形象、工藝、客戶服務和技術標準,從而完全符合現代高檔汽車技術的快速發展和安全要求。


Precision AutoWerk的董事Brett和Paul都有30多年的汽車修復經驗。他們十分重視受損車輛的修復質量,在遵守製造商維修協議的同時,還不斷的超越新西蘭汽車維修和保險行業對修復技術的要求。保險公司通常會為車主選擇固定的或價錢優惠的鈑金或汽車維修服務商,而我們建議車主,一定要選擇原廠認可的修復中心(Factory Approved Repairer)。如果車輛發生碰撞,必須將其維修至原來的標準和規格,方可確保車輛安全系統按照原廠設計運行,這對未來任何事故中的安全都尤為重要。




憑藉我們的專業精神和優質服務,Precision AutoWerk獲得了全球十幾家知名歐美汽車製造商的鈑金維修官方認證,更是新西蘭唯一一家製造商認可的瑪莎拉蒂,特斯拉和日產R35 GTR的板金維修中心。

  • This was my first experience using their services and was impress with their service from the time when I first brought it in for an assessment, up to repairs and collection of my car. Both the admin and service personnel were excellent to deal with. Thank you for the quality of the workmanship! My car is as good as new!!

    Shireen Nanayakkara Avatar Shireen Nanayakkara
    April 4, 2024
  • I have used Precision twice and each time they have done an outstanding job of repairing damage on my car. They provide premium service from the moment you bring the car is for assessment to the moment you pick it up. The repairs themselves are of outstanding quality and make your vehicle look like new. There is no one better in Auckland.

    Mark Phillips Avatar Mark Phillips
    November 27, 2022
  • Fixed my tesla to a high standard. Communication is excellent here. Always answer their phone and are always happy to answer my 4 million questions.

    Shayne Dodd Avatar Shayne Dodd
    February 16, 2023
  • Had damage repair done on my car here, they did an excellent job and the quality of work was top notch. And to top it up was service and follow up really good.

    Bo Lykkeberg Avatar Bo Lykkeberg
    September 27, 2023
  • Very happy with Precision Autowerk in terms of service, communication, and quality of work. Have used them a few times to fix various dings and scratches over the years. Well worth travelling halfway across Auckland each time!

    Terry Dawson Avatar Terry Dawson
    October 5, 2021
  • Booked in for a week, got a call back the next day saying it was done and was going through grooming. Came out like new! Friendly team, easy process, superb work - Definitely my go-to for panel and paint going forward.

    Mike Kim Avatar Mike Kim
    December 10, 2021
  • Communication and quality has really gone downhill in the last year in my experience. This is really unfortunate as I always found Precision excellent to deal with until the last two repairs I’ve had done, where parts have been missed or left off the vehicle altogether. Not ideal guys! Would love to see you step it back up to where you were at before

    Sam Avatar Sam
    June 16, 2021
  • Very good car repair skills. Just need to rent a car if you need to fix your car.

    Claire Liu Avatar Claire Liu
    July 24, 2022
  • Very good service, efficient and high quality repair!

    Dennis Cham Avatar Dennis Cham
    March 1, 2021
  • I became a quite regular customer, not my fault of course. The service, staff and quality of workmanship is to perfection.

    Chris OTT Avatar Chris OTT
    January 12, 2024
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